March 8, 2012

What You Need and Desire

Last night at Goddess Wheel  we accomplished a lot of good work!

One scene we worked on finessing was the reunion of Lysistrata, played by Danielle Dallacco, and the Chancellor, played by Matt Sydney, in which they sing the song, “Desire”.

It's a beautiful scene and our leading couple are doing an incredible job!

Here are some pictures from the rehearsal:

Our director, Rusty Curcio, works with Danielle and Matt before they dive into working on the scene.

The first instant Lysistrata and the Chancellor are alone together after he's been away at war.

“Desire” is a song about pursuing hopes and wants even though you might be in the midst of overcoming difficult struggles.

Danielle and Matt work wonderfully together as Lysistrata and the Chancellor. 
They have wonderful chemistry and

are able to have fun as they work while 
still being in the moment and doing what they need to do.


 In Goddess Wheel, Lysistrata owns and operates Aspasia's Gynaceum, a “house of women” in Athens. Though the girls who work for her take clients to keep the business afloat, Lysistrata only sees the Chancellor.
Despite the war which keeps them apart, Lysistrata and the Chancellor's love is real and it carries them through the storms they must weather.  

We at Goddess Wheel continue to work and make improvements on the show every night and we hope you will join us when opening night rolls around (April 18th)!

In the mean time, stay tuned for more behind the scenes updates!

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